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Healing rainbow fluorite crystal skull, realistically carved, activated. Rich colors of purple, blue, green, teal, white and clear with lots of rainbows.

Metaphysically,FLUORITE: Excellent for cleansing the Aura - GREEN: healing on all levels. Green is the color of growth and healing. aids personal growth in life. It is very calming, but also gives one courage to expand our ideas and awareness. CLEAR: Harmonizes intellect and spirit, stimulates the crown chakra, aligns all chakras & stimulates the flow of universal life force energy. PURPLE: Aids meditation, increases psychic development, spiritual peace, helps us commit to our spiritual path. BLUE FLUORITE: Greatly enhances spirit communication and intuition advancing one's spiritual enlightenment; amplifies healing work; brings one to a place of deep peace.

SIZE: approx. 5.1" long x 3.9" tall

WEIGHT: 3.4 pounds

#RF391 *

Metaphysically speaking, crystal skulls can be programmed to support the healing of oneself or others and to manifest answers to life's issues and open psychic channels, showing us our life path. Skulls intensify and amplify ones personal power and intentions while providing the guidance needed to attain ones goals and desired outcomes. CRYSTAL SKULLS are a tool for divination; accessing divine knowledge; self-awareness; soul healing; prophetic visions. *METAPHYSICAL properties and Uses: An amazing crystal healing stone addition for meditation, reiki, spiritual work, manifestation work, magick, crystal grids, devotional offerings, altar work and more. ONENESS w/ THE DIVINE - PURIFICATION - PEACE - LIFE TRANSITIONS - NEW BEGINNINGS - PROTECTION - PROSPERITY - SAFETY - SECURITY ... BUSINESS SUCCESS ... *Metaphysical tools: Quartz Crystals &/or Gemstones : A TOOL to help: Raise your vibration, read the Akashic records, contact your Spirit guides, Communicate with the angelic realm, archangels, angels, psychic ability, clairvoyance, clairsentience, crystal grid work, mediumship work, Divine guidance, spirit guide, spiritual realm,High Vibration, energy generator, Spirit world communication, altar, offering, devotional, Reiki, crystal healing, spirituality, Energy healing, Energy clearing, meditation, Karma healing, karmic cleansing, chakra healing, aura healing , manifestation, crown chakra, third eye chakra, root chakra, Soul star chakra, earth star chakra, high chakras, trance channeling, more *

Disclaimer: Alternative healing is meant to be used in harmony with, NOT in place of, professional medical treatment. ALWAYS consult a licensed medical doctor / physician regarding ALL health issues, or a licensed attorney / professional for legal issues, or an appropriate licensed professional for any other issues. Our products are tools for Lightworkers, Crystal healers, Reiki practitioners and those on their Metaphysical &/or spiritual path . By purchasing this product you are stating you understand that : I/We/The owners of this shop, do not, in any way, imply OR guarantee any outcomes

5.1" Large Soul healing Activated Rainbow Fluorite Crystal Skull with Rainbows

Impuesto excluido
  • handcarved skull,crystal skull carving,carved crystal skull,Purple fluorite,clear fluorite,rainbows,realistic crystal skull,stone skull,gemstone skull


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