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Large - Strong Loving Energy - EMPATHIC WARRIOR Lightbrary, Cathedral Quartz ,WHITE LIGHT ,Pink Atlantean, lemurian Energy Priestess Tool, Spiritual Realm , Angel Healing Crystal Metaphysical tools: Quartz Crystal / Atlantean Lightbrary cluster: A TOOL for ... Raising your vibration, reading the Akashic records, contacting your Spirit guides, spiritual realm, Reiki, crystal healing, spirituality, Energy healing, Energy clearing, meditation, psychic ability, clairvoyance, clairsentience, Karma healing, karmic cleansing, chakra healing, aura healing , Communicating with the angelic realm, archangels, mediumship work, Divine guidance, Magick, Spirit world communication, and more..

This beautiful crystal weighs 2LB 7oz and has golden citrine, peach and pink colors, making it a superior crystal for manifesting and reaching deep meditation. Carrying the Ancient Energies of Atlantis and Lemuria, this crystal seems to GLOW in certain lighting and it is a VERY HIGH VIBRATION lightbrary Radiating Peace, Wisdom, Oneness with the Divine, Purification and Psychic Connections... It will FACILITATE A STRONG and PROTECTED CONNECTION TO THE SPIRITUAL AND ANGELIC REALMS - OPENS the SOUL STAR CHAKRA AND CROWN CHAKRA TO EASILY RECEIVE THE FLOW OF DIVINE ENERGY and WISDOM. A true LIGHTWORKER crystal filled with very strong and loving life force energies! It will assist you in journeying to the Other Side to read the Akashic Records, to meet with loved ones who have crossed over and the spirit guides that are helping you in this lifetime. You may also be guided to the Ascended Masters and Angels allowing you to receive Universal messages and guidance for all. METAPHYSICAL Uses: these powerful crystals for manifesting and/or a protective shield of light, hold the crystal in your right hand while encircling an object, a person, a written intention, prayer, your home, etc... A very powerful DIVINE energy field is believed to radiate using this method. It holds the ancient healing energies of Atlantis and Lemuria, and these crystals are known for their soothing energy as they guide us to our personal truths. *Please read the metaphysical properties below for a full description of all this AMAZING crystal offers! ===PLEASE READ these DETAILS=== Cleansed and Charged with sage & Moonlight, Reiki blessed.. ****Condition: THIS CRYSTAL IS ALL NATURAL , RAW - ( RAW, Natural = some fractures, chips etc) *The main point is broken -please see pictures.

Size:6.5 inches tall x 4 inches wide .

This weighs 1105 grams or 2 pound 7 ounces

item# AC25 ===

METAPHTSICAL : ---LIGHTBRARIES / CATHEDRALS are "LIBRARIES of LIGHT" and my personal favorite HIGH ENERGY crystals that are full of ancient wisdom, pure love, happiness and joy! These crystals ARE PURE LOVE and carries the highest, purest Energies of Atlantis and Lemuria making it excellent for healing on ALL levels. They will Raise your vibration to the highest level allowing you to access the Spiritual and Angelic Realms. An excellent choice for deep meditation and Loving, protected trance channeling & psychic mediumship abilities. Facilitates travel to the Hall of Records / Akashic Records. Each crystal contains an abundance of Universal Wisdom and Divine white light, Illuminating ones personal PATH and opening the necessary doors to walk that path. These bring us through Life Transitions with courage and an abundance of Spiritual blessings. ---ABUNDANCE QUARTZ: shows us our Divine gifts and abilities, facilitates a swift energy shift into wealth, prosperity & abundance, particularly spiritual abundance. ---ATLANTEAN LOVESTAR aka CANDLE QUARTZ / LIGHTWORKERS STONE: These amazing crystals fill the user with pure light and ancient wisdom. These are a milky shade of quartz. ---Snow quartz: A stone of purification; A stone that brings good fortune; Guides one to look within during meditation; Opens and activates the crown chakra; Fills one with Divine light ---Elestial crystals: are high vibration crystals with strong connections to the Spiritual realm. Excellent for creating stronger connections with Angels and Spirits during meditation. They open ones High crown chakra aiding the flow of Divine energy. ---Empathic Warriors: thise crystals have some of the strongest energies; they have seen there own battles and come through them stronger and with more compassion. They radiate LOVE. These are EXCELLENT for use during energy healing sessions. ---QUARTZ - a powerful & healing stone and amplifier, it will attune its energies to the specific energy needs of the intention or of the user. It raises energy to the highest possible level of a person, an intention or another stone.It enhances psychic abilities, aids one in finding & living their spiritual purpose. ============


*DISCLAIMER - PLEASE READ: Alternative healing is meant to be used in harmony with, NOT in place of, professional medical treatment. ALWAYS consult a licensed medical doctor / physician regarding ALL health issues, or a licensed attorney / professional for legal issues, or an appropriate licensed professional for any other issues. * Our products are tools for Lightworkers, Crystal healers, Reiki practitioners and those on their Metaphysical &/or spiritual path . By purchasing this product you are stating you understand that : We do not, in any way, imply OR guarantee any outcomes.

6.5" Large Atlantean Empathic Warrior Lightbrary Quartz Crystal - Priestess Wand

Impuesto excluido
  • Raw quartz,natural quartz


Between Heaven and Hell Boutique y Les Mystique Boutique y Crystal Rock Shop ofrecen una colección muy ecléctica de obsequios espirituales, obsequios antiguos, obsequios antiguos, obsequios y arte reutilizados y reciclados. Nuestros artículos únicos incluyen: cristales de alta vibración, calaveras de cristal activadas, calaveras de piedras preciosas, medallas sagradas antiguas, obsequios religiosos antiguos, medallones de oración, joyas conmemorativas, estatuas católicas, impresiones artísticas originales antiguas, revistas y anuncios ilustrados antiguos, portadas de revistas antiguas, joyería hecha a mano, joyería de camafeo hecha a mano, joyería de plata esterlina, joyería vintage de oro de 14k, impresiones artísticas alteradas, ropa de moda, ropa de playa, bolsos de mano, accesorios, fundas para teléfonos, hogardecoración, cama y bañodecoración, tazas de café ymisceláneos regalos.(860) 417-8001

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