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Activated,Vintage Skull in genuine Tranquil Blue ARAGONITE with a ***SMALL AREA OF yellow aragonite***

WEIGHT: 2.8 POUNDS!! Skull w/ natural inclusions and sparkling tiny druzy areas

SIZE: 5" x 3.7"

PICTURES taken indoors in natural light and outdoors in full sun.

**This skull is fully activated and has been cleansed in sunlight , light from the full moon and charged and blessed with Reiki . My skulls have been awakened using crystal tuning forks and the large quartz crystal master skulls I work with.================================

Metaphysical uses: Metaphysically, CRYSTAL SKULLS are known as tools for divination; accessing divine knowledge; self-awareness; soul healing; prophetic visions. ...It is believed Crystal skulls can be programmed to support the spiritual healing of oneself or others and to manifest answers to life's issues and open psychic channels, showing us our life path; intensifying and amplifying ones personal power and intentions while providing the guidance needed to attain ones goals and desired outcomes.


METAPHYSICALLY speaking, BLUE ARAGONITE Strongly enhances ones psychic abilities - Connects one to the Higher Spiritual Realm including Ascended Masters, Spirit guides and Angels; High vibration stone gently moving one into Spiritual Awareness & Ascension; Facilitates Angelic Contact; Clears the Throat, Third Eye and Crown Chakras allowing for higher vibrations to flow and the opening of psychic channels; Assists in Astral Travel; Spirit Journeying;A Stone of Peace and tranquility; Connects to Universal Knowledge, making it an excellent meditation tool

disclaimer: Alternative healing is meant to be used in harmony with, NOT in place of, professional medical treatment. ALWAYS consult a licensed medical doctor / physician regarding ALL health issues, or a licensed attorney / professional for legal issues, or an appropriate licensed professional for any other issues. Our products are tools for Lightworkers, Crystal healers, Reiki practitioners and those on their Metaphysical &/or spiritual path . By purchasing this product you are stating you understand that : I/We/The owners of this shop, cannot and do not, in any way, imply OR guarantee any outcomes.

5" Large Vintage Druzy Blue Aragonite Crystal Skull Activated Psychic Work

449,00$ Precio
399,00$Precio de oferta
Impuesto excluido
  • Natural Blue Aragonite,Crystal skull,gemstone skull,Rare Gemstone Carving,pink aragonite,white aragonite,chi ball,energy attunement
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