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Top Quality Earthy Brown and Sparkling chatoyant Golden Bronzite w/ Hematite RARE gemstone bowl. Metaphysical uses: RARE Bronzite BOWL for Harmonious New Beginnings, Personal Power, Focus, Willpower, Solar Plexus chakra, Root Chakra, Kundalini, Earth Energy, Empowerment

SIZE: 3.25" wide X 1.4" tall
WEIGHT: 127 grams
COLOR : Earthy Browns, Metallic Hematite and Chatoyant Golds, natural inclusions
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Metaphysical info:
Spiritual / Metaphysical properties of ---
---BRONZITE: a "Stone of Focused Action".
Courage; Willpower / Power; Certainty; Harmonious Change; Provides Grounding and Psychic protection. Working with the Root and Solar plexus chakra's, Bronzite pushes one to make choices that will transform them spiritually.
Restores one's personal power during times of feeling powerless.
---HEMATITE: absorbs negative energy, stress, anxiety and the like.
A root chakra stone, it helps keep one grounded, strengthens our connection to the earth thereby helping one feel safe and protected.
Helps you FOCUS Energy and helps one attain the highest level of Personal Power (willpower).

Metaphysical tools: Quartz Crystals &/or Gemstones : A TOOL to help: Raise your vibration, read the Akashic records, contact your Spirit guides, Communicate with the angelic realm, archangels, angels, psychic ability, clairvoyance, clairsentience, crystal grid work, mediumship work, Divine guidance, spirit guide, spiritual realm,High Vibration, energy generator, Spirit world communication, altar, offering, devotional, Reiki, crystal healing, spirituality, Energy healing, Energy clearing, meditation, Karma healing, karmic cleansing, chakra healing, aura healing , manifestation, crown chakra, third eye chakra, root chakra, Soul star chakra, earth star chakra, high chakras, trance channeling, and more!

DISCLAIMER - PLEASE READ: Alternative healing is meant to be used in harmony with, NOT in place of, professional medical treatment. ALWAYS consult a licensed medical doctor / physician regarding ALL health issues, or a licensed attorney / professional for legal issues, or an appropriate licensed professional for any other issues. Our products are tools for Lightworkers, Crystal healers, Reiki practitioners and those on their Metaphysical &/or spiritual path . By purchasing this product you are stating you understand that : I/We/The owners of this shop, do not, in any way, imply OR guarantee any outcomes.

3.25" rare Large Bronzite Gemstone Bowl Harmonious New Beginnings, Empowerment

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