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Golden Himalayan Quartz wand for targeted healing, to raise your vibration to the highest levels, deep meditation and manifestation. The wand includes 2 garnet stones and quartz point and sphere. Approx. 6.5" long.


Metaphysically : The Stone of the GOLDEN RAY is said to aid in rapid healing, rejuvenation and manifesting SPIRITUAL / METAPHYSICAL PROPERTIES OF HIMALAYAN GOLDEN QUARTZ: aka Honeycomb Quartz, Gold Quartz, Himalaya Gold. * Empowers one to manifest for their Highest Good * Raises one's vibration and the vibration of one's intent * Healing on all levels * a powerful energizing and cleansing stone * Very useful in contact with the Spirit World * This stone accesses very high Divine information * Activates the Solar Plexus chakra and connects the Solar Plexus with the Third Eye Chakra enabling our will to be in line with the Divine. * enables loving communication with the Spirit world * protects and entirely heals one's aura *Meditating with this stone can be very helpful to those suffering from fibromyalgia, chronic fatigue and arthritis SPIRITUAL PROPERTIES: QUARTZ - a powerful & healing stone and amplifier, it will attune its energies to the specific energy needs of the intention or of the user. It raises energy to the highest possible level of a person, an intention or another stone. It enhances psychic abilities, aids one in finding & living their spiritual purpose.


Alternative healing is meant to be used in harmony with professional medical treatment. Always consult a licensed medical doctor / physician regarding health issues, or a licensed attorney / professional for legal issues. PLEASE NOTE *** You must be at least 18 years old to purchase our products. I/we are not responsible for anything that happens once the buyer purchases any of our items. Purchases made of products and/or services is done so at your own risk. We are not responsible for misuse of any of the items. None of our wands or any other items on this site are not be used in lieu of professional, legal, medical, financial or psychiatric advice and/or care.


6.5" Golden Healer Himalayan Quartz Healing Wand Raise your Vibration Frequency

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