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Vintage turquoise multi-stone gemstone ring. Metaphysically, TURQUOISE is highly protective and was used as a talisman for Kings, Warriors and shaman.
It is calming, refreshing and wise. It brings good luck, love and joy. Like quartz, it is highly programmable. It will raise your energy vibrations while you are setting specific intentions. Turquoise will attune you to all that is spiritual. It strongly resonates with both the third eye and the throat chakra making it a very powerful high energy stone for those wishing to access psychic information, past lives, clairaudience & clairvoyance abilities, and channeling via automatic writing.

*Our JEWELRY IS VINTAGE Jewelry in AS FOUND CONDITION - EXPECT mild to heavy TARNISHING / Patina** Please ZOOM all pictures​ for detail​*  

silver jewelry, silver gemstone jewelry, one of a kind jewelry, handcrafted jewelry, Vintage silver jewelry, vintage jewelry, Christmas gifts, stocking stuffer, unique jewelry, one of a kind, BOHO jewelry, BOHO chic, hippie jewelry, Artisan crafted, Art jewelry, statement jewelry


Vintage Sterling Wide Band Snakeskin Turquoise Ring Silver Jewelry

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Between Heaven and Hell Boutique y Les Mystique Boutique y Crystal Rock Shop ofrecen una colección muy ecléctica de obsequios espirituales, obsequios antiguos, obsequios antiguos, obsequios y arte reutilizados y reciclados. Nuestros artículos únicos incluyen: cristales de alta vibración, calaveras de cristal activadas, calaveras de piedras preciosas, medallas sagradas antiguas, obsequios religiosos antiguos, medallones de oración, joyas conmemorativas, estatuas católicas, impresiones artísticas originales antiguas, revistas y anuncios ilustrados antiguos, portadas de revistas antiguas, joyería hecha a mano, joyería de camafeo hecha a mano, joyería de plata esterlina, joyería vintage de oro de 14k, impresiones artísticas alteradas, ropa de moda, ropa de playa, bolsos de mano, accesorios, fundas para teléfonos, hogardecoración, cama y bañodecoración, tazas de café ymisceláneos regalos.(860) 417-8001

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